21 August, 2024

Royal Symphony of Roses - Lolita Tea Party in Vienna

Since the blog is now visually closer to what I had planned, I feel it is time to update it more frequently, including with events that happened before I started the blog. So get ready to see things that are not so current but that are no less special to me. 

A few months ago I found out on Instagram that there would have a Tea Party in Vienna on June 8th 2024 organized by the group EGL Fashion Österreich. Since I have never been to Vienna (and always wanted to visit) and my last Tea Party was in 2015, I was very excited to go. It took a few months of planning and Heidi and I decided to go together \o/

Credit/Quelle: https://www.facebook.com/lolitafashionaustria/

The Tea Party was named Royal Symphony of Roses and according to the event description, "An exhilarating symphony, the soundtrack that plays while a Lolita takes a stroll through our historic city, following the traces of Empress Elisabeth and the Habsburg dynasty". This description fits perfectly with the event's motto: Music, Roses, royalty! So may it be!

The location chosen was the Vienna’s “Rathauskeller”, the town hall’s cellar.

The event also offered a fashion show with the Haenuli dresses and a Question and Answer time with the designers of the Korean brand Haenuli (Iris and Nunu) and with the Harajuku-style model based in Tokyo, RinRin DollIris, Nunu and RinRin were special guests at the event.

Some shops had booths there, like:

Besides these shops, Haenuli and RinRin also had booths there. Rinrin was selling her products and signing her photos. Rinrin is very lovely and I loved meeting her!

The tickets included, in addition to the entry, a goodiebag and one ruffle ticket.

The goodiebag is foldable, making it very practical to store!

The day after the Teaparty, on Sunday, was organised a J-Fashion Bring & Buy. Bring and Buy is like a flea market where each participant in the event had the right to bring some piece to sell for whatever price they wanted. In the next post I will write more about the Bring and Buy!

Before going to the tea party, Indra, Heidi and I decided to have brunch at the Cafe Little Britain.

our way on the subway. many people were kind to us and complimented our outfits 💕


I ordered a french toast, pancakes and a limonade with Mint & Lime:

The interior of the cafe is very cute and full of details!

After that, it was time to go to the Tea Party! It was a very hot day and the Vienna Pride Parade (a.k.a. Rainbow Parade) was taking place (which was part of our route). So the city was very crowded!

Rathauskeller interior

event reception

One of the things that has always fascinated me about Austria, especially Vienna, is its cultural importance. Vienna has been called the "City of Music" due to its musical legacy, as many famous classical musicians such as Beethoven, Brahms, Haydn, Mahler, Mozart, Schubert, Johann Strauss I and II lived and worked there. 

Furthermore, it was in this city where the empress Elisabeth of Austria - Sisi - lived the constraints of courtly life.

Empress Elisabeth of Austria. Credit/Quelle: Franz Xaver Winterhalter via Wikimedia Commons

I have been fascinated by Sisi for a long time and I used one of her phrases in my MSN messenger status for a long time. Do you remeber or used MSN Messenger?😅I believe that many members of the EGL Fashion community are also interested in Sisi's life and history. Even Haenuli designed a dress inspired by a Sisi dress with a print of Elisabeth, called The Empress:

Credit/Quelle: https://www.instagram.com/haenulishop/

Haenuli's The Empress print:

Credit/Quelle: Lolibrary

About Sisi and her dresses, I will write in the next post about my visit to the Sisi Museum 😊.

The Empress dress and others, including the beautiful Joan of Arc (worn by RinRin, picture below) were presented at the fashion show that took place at the Tea Party.

Joan of Arc JSK. Credit/Quelle: https://www.instagram.com/haenulishop/

I also modeled in the Fashion Show and wore a dress called "The Death" and a blouse called "Beloved"

skirt version of "The Death" JSK. Credit/Quelle: https://www.hionlineshop.net/product/-ready-to-ship-dream-for-medieval-skirt/275?cp=true&sa=true&sbp=false&q=false

Beloved blouse. Credit/Quelle: https://www.hionlineshop.net/product/-ready-to-ship-beloved-blouse/270?cp=true&sa=true&sbp=false&q=false

With Haenuli designers, Nunu and Iris

The models at the end of the Fashion Show

After the Fashion Show, I was finally able to eat something. Of course I ordered my favorite Austrian drink, Almdudler:

with Heidi

with RinRin

the Berlin community met in Vienna! 

Erika is an illustrator from Italy. She is so cute!

It was really cool to meet in person some lolitas that I had been following online for a long time, like Lea (one of the event organizers)!

Some goodies from the goodiebag:

Kuromi stickers (I love Kuromi)!

from Le Petit Four in Kawaii Worldone of my favorite shops in Berlin

jam and cat spoon

Another impressions:

my purchases with Mezzo!

Mezzo is an artist from Berlin and always has wonderful products!

Heidi made the cutest drawings of the lolitas that were at the event: 

She also drew me! Thank you, sweet Heidi!

traditional group photo at the end of the event

After the Tea Party, I needed to rest because it was a very busy and hot day and my feet were hurting a lot because of the shoes (due to the Pride Parade that was taking place near the event, the metro station was closed, so we had to walk more than planned). I had also slept very badly the night before. So I decided to explore alone the surroundings of our accommodation. I went to a normal market to do some shopping. There I found Punschkrapfen (a nougat and jam filled sponge cake soaked with rum, similar to the French petit four and typical from Austrian cuisine), that I had tried for the first time at the event. 

one of the churches I found on the way back to the flat

I was happy during this night walk to discover that the flat was close to Prater, the oldest amusement park in the world and where some scenes from one of my favorite films were filmed, "Before Sunrise". 

scenes from the movie "Before Sunrise"

Ferris wheel where a scene from the movie was filmed

I hope you enjoyed the post! Thank you for your time reading. Hope to see you next time! 

20 August, 2024


Here you will find events we have participated in and future events.

Spanning Columns
Monat Was? Datum Uhrzeit Wo?
September 2024 Traberwegfest 14.09 (Samstag) Ab 10.00 Traberweg (Berlin Karlshorst)
Oktober 2024 Szene Nacht Markt 12.10 (Samstag) von 18.00 bis 23.00 Kulturfabrik - Moabit (Lehrter Str. 35, Berlin
November 2024
Dezember 2024


Wann? Samstag, 14.09.2024 Ab 10.00

Wo? Traberweg, Berlin Karlshorst


Szene Nacht Markt

Wann? Samstag, 12.10.2024 von 18.00 bis 23.00

Wo? Kulturfabrik - Moabit (Lehrter Str. 35, Berlin)